Saturday, August 26, 2006


I've been getting a few complaints lately from the peanut gallery that since beginning my Dodger Blog I haven't fulfilled my obligations here. So, with that said, I promise to be more on top of it, under it, and around these parts more often.

As I read my good friend JTJ's blog recently about steering his children in the direction of the proper extracurricular activities it made me think of my own daugter, GDub, and how I will make sure she does what I want her to do. Speaking specifically, I have big plans for her as far as little league, basketball, soccer, etc go, and I want to make sure she goes where I want her to go, dear me. One of these loves I must have her fulfill is that of the "Die-Hard Dodger Fan" (and I know my wife, KDub is with me on this one) and their eternal quest for the World Series. I know coercing children to love and do things their all knowing parent(s) know they should love and do (does that sentence make sense?) is a difficult proposition. Take for example my brother-in-law and his oldest son. My brother-in-law is a Padre fan through and through (or atleast until they are eliminated each year), yet his oldest son's first love was that of steroid Bonds and the hated one's (Giants) from NoCal. How could this happen? It's almost like raising an atheist in a Christian home. Since this awful time in their family, I know my bro-in-law has gotten his act (brain washing powers) together and converted his son to Padrenity. Although I don't agree, obviously, with his choice, at least he has his family on board.

How do the rest of you go about this difficult process. I'm reminded of the musical Fiddler on the Roof; we must make our children carry on our traditions. Are you with me?!?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dodger Blog

I thought I would get much more use out of a blog about the first-place Los Angeles Dodgers, so I have started one at the above link. I will still post here but much of my work will be done at the other site.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Now will you leave me alone?

Josh, this title is for you. You have been buggin and buggin me about this blog thing for what seems like an eternity. Although my wife seems to think I need every new technological advancement known to man, I haven't ever found myself dreaming of blogging. But here I now sit (as I babysit the pumpkin face (my daugter) with her throwing goldfish at me) blogging on my own website for the first time. Josh, are you proud of me?